Gare Saint Cloud - AREP Architectes - Societe du Grand Paris

The Grand Paris Express line 15 west

14 km of tunnels, 5 stations, 1 centre siding and 16 service buildings

Gare Nanterre La Folie - JFS Architectes - Societe du Grand Paris

New project on the Grand Paris Express

Razel-Bec is proud to have been chosen by Société du Grand Paris, along with the "Intencités15" consortium, for the 1st design-build contract for line 15 (western section). The contract covers turnkey engineering and construction of 14 km of tunnels, 5 stations (Saint-Cloud, Rueil-Suresnes Mont-Valérien, Nanterre La Boule, Nanterre La Folie and La Défense), one centre siding and 16 service buildings.

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